Chopin Broccoli

6 episodes in, I think we can say conclusively that Fat Mac is a comedic failure. Pretty good season overall, but I miss the thin, energetic Mac who ushered plots forward instead of standing there eating and weirding me out with his vacant eyes.  Rum Ham had more comedy this season than Fat Mac

something something Streets ahead

Imagine there's…..no pizza

well you know what they say…..

I will fully admit that I love zombies and the fact this show is full of zombies certainly makes me overlook some rather obvious flaws……I guess its like how chicks dig Sex in the City because it has lots of shoes or some bullshit

I am cautiously optimistic….I want it to be a great show, fortunately it's a lot of fun to watch regardless…..

I think I would rather be chased by zombies than listen to that terrible song

yeah he's the breakout star for sure.

agreed, I love the good parts of the show (great zombie make-up / effects, wonderfully tense set-pieces,  the sense that characters can die at any moment), but the acting by the lead guy is really not great and when he has to carry a scene like that by himself, it shows…..

you should, I love Neil Diamond but the Tony Tribe version is easily my favourite

yeah……..come get your space-puppy

that's true, I don't miss him one bit

3rd prize you're HIRED

my cat's breath smells like cat food

I have also enjoyed "Beaking Bad Fever" month and don't want it to end……..can we maybe get Badger and Skinny Pete to do some webisodes or something?

Faith and Begorrah!…..is what I would say to the worlds largest leprechaun

trick question, nobody owns Monster-in-Law on DVD.

I got 3 notices about this article (Party Down, Eastbound and Down, and Parks and Rec). I guess I can call myself an Adam Scott fan, either him or his agent.

"'ve never before this very thread heard anybody even try to defend Graceland" - classic trolling