Chopin Broccoli

a big fat dynamo!

Nuts and Gum, robot cars, Tub!, Uncle Jim's Country Fillin', a Squishee made entirely of syrup…..

love those multi-season running gags

maybe he got replaced by Billiard Bill

I love Bart Carney, "look at me son, I'm a millionaire!"

Gil is ok in small doses, but that episode where he moved in with the family was weak…..also the episode where Otto moved in — the one where Apu moved in was ok though….has anybody else moved in?

the biggest shock of that episode is that Peter Frampton has great comedic timing!

Nacho Hat!

but it had Alf AND Chewbacca!

I love Mountain of Madness…….(once again, I seem to love everything in the episode range given!), "I have powers……political powers!"

yeah they mention on the commentary how that joke makes zero sense today..

man I must be a super-fan, but I love almost every episode people are dissing here…..now I won't say Simpson Tide is as good as Marge vs. the Monorail or anything but it had a great throwback gag (it's my first day), and I loved all of Homer's interactions with the sub captain…"what's a gib?"

great songs though…..especially "do a half-assed job"

civil people can disagree on this one butI loved Bart Gets An Elephant…… the scenes with the ivory dealer, the inane radio hosts, Grampa and Jasper "they're playing that elephant song again….", the arboreum (tree place), the peanut factory, the scene at the end with Homer being all jerk-like…..good times :)

diagnosis: bad babysitting……

uhhhh it's a bit disingenuous to count Jesus and his disciples as jews for the purposes of defending the movie against antisemitism isn't it?

wait, so is that guy an imposter or do you have 2 gimmick accounts and a split personality?

apologies for all those double posts!

no handjob for you

we need an old goat……and a young goat