Chopin Broccoli

he's a national treasure!

I read that in the voice of Foster Brooks

it's the feel good book of the century!

this is true, but don't Mel's dunk comments (In vino veritas) shine some light on his intent? along with the actual content of course

Paul, it has to do with a medieval tradition of the passion play that drums up hatred against jews by emphasizing the following:
- the barbaric and violent nature of the death and crucifixion of Jesus (as opposed to his gentle nature and good deeds)

you can add Robin Williams to that list

with the ghost of Julius Streicher as executive producer

nice one 

hey come on, Neil Diamond is  the Jewish Elvis !

Nibbler crossed with Swee'Pea :)

I wish! I'm over-educated, pretentious, highly skilled (in a niche area without much practical application ) AND I'm Canadian

Nibbler + Swee'Pea from Popeye

awwwwwww snap

It was Nibbler conflated with Swee'Pea from Popeye :)

it was Nibbler conflated with Swee'Pea from Popeye :)


made me laugh……

is that an Anime staple? that Western buildings are redesigned to look Japanese?

I did laugh out loud when Bender exited right and returned left

Brilliant, Brilliant, a thousand times, Brilliant