Chopin Broccoli


That would be kind of funny

GLut, don't ever change

I read dozens of those, including the novelization Trolltooth Wars…..


I've never read a Baby-Sitter Club book (shocking!)….did they get into wacky adventures or was it more of a babysitting tutorial…."make sure you don't mistake the baby for a turkey and baste it in the oven"


Remember when Riverwind got his ass melted by a black dragon…..pretty sick stuff!

Hello Joe!

I'd certainly hold the tomato……

her legs go all the way to the floor

Sergio Leone really knew his ponchos

he has a PhD in Spaceology

gorsh she's beeeutiful

maybe, but you won't understand it on as many levels
(resumes ogling)

so many to choose……my first crush was Peri Brown back in the 80s
dammit why can't I be a Timelord!

The Great Gazoo in "The Flintsones"

only when they are tearing up pictures of the pope

racist shoes no doubt

he can replace all the actors with a CGI'd Jim J. Bullock for all I care