Simica Altoid

For anyone who doesn't understand Anya irritation: Just watch the way Nina Garcia pushes her and her designs, despite all of the obvious limitations and issues with both… Anya was undeserving, and everybody knows it. (Nina is a manipulator and a bully and we all know that too…)

Seriously, why didn't they work a deal with Elroy and re-purpose his Kennedy assassination plot-line / characters into a movie, instead of this tired 'Camelot' shtick?

I knew someone that graduated college in 92' and decided it was a good idea to follow that achievement by joining Up With People… and 'went on tour' with the group! (It should be noted that this person had no particular musical, acting skills, etc)

I'm definitely not an Armstrong defender, but this review makes it sound like the incompetent 'authorities' who oversee the sport are left out of the discussion (yet again)… Armstrong passed how many drug tests? But actually, he was taking how many different drugs, etc?

The interviewer might have asked about the now ubiquitous lame-ass product placements from suburban-mom companies such as Lexus. Having to wade through interruptions and obvious insincere plugs from designers - "this car is a really cool!" - is another example of breaking down the reality show version of the Fourth

The Millennium Falcon is faster than the Enterprise… ?  Not a chance.  Frankly, this shakes my faith the nerd-fidelity of this movie.