Jacques Chicar


This isn't an Op Ivy reunion.  This is Tim Timebomb, Armstrong's new project.  He's been doing it a while.  It in no way presages an Op Ivy return.

I forgive you, but I'm not sure if society as a whole will.  Maybe you should give it a call.

"I liked Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, and Wedding Singer in spite of myself,"

Sandler isn't particularly short.  I think you were watching a guy with Down's syndrome play blackjack.

No kidding.

Or literally kicking him in the seat of his stupid pants?

Card also wrote, in his piece where he advocated the overthrow of the US government and the Constitution, "Biological imperatives trump laws."

I agree.  The last line killed it.

"There’s never an excuse for laying hands on a woman"

Well, I see where you're coming from.  These young folks don't get it… but I do.

Can't believe how many commenters are wearing nostalgia-colored glasses when they talk about Superman II.  Although it has a few good performances, like Stamp's, it is one of the most poorly-acted, poorly-directed, ludicrously misguided, illogical, stupid movies in history.  Come on, people, we're near 40 or past it

I love "Spoonman."

I assume the guy in the front middle is deliberately putting on the smuggest douchiest face he possibly can for this photo.

Bystand Me.  The pinnacle of the ensemble cast.

I agree with your assessment, even though we are both supporting the last dying gasp of the prescriptivist and no one else cares and our argument is doomed to obscurity.

Yes, every time.  I was only right about half the time.

Everyone would be happy if they renamed it The Lazy-Eye Butler.

Um, spoiler alert?!  Hello??  Some of us have not seen that movie.

The release of new music can stop now.  It's reached its apotheosis.