tark franenton

I think they will go another way with this one - T. Rex will prove to be a gentle soul and will move to Hawaii, learn to speak English, smoke alot of pot, and years later will become the first dinosaur president

"Starsky and Hatch"

And you should read my book, "The Innumerable And Unquantifiable Ways That Creed Sucks"

You should read the new book Scott and Shia co-authored called "Common Sense - Use It Daily"

A letter from Paul to Charlemagne in sweatpants,
(Read in voice of Samuel L. Jackson) - "The drugs is coming with me, motherfuckers"

What section of the bible is Stapp basing his recent life decisions on? 'Cos I need to read that shit!

Christopher Walz and Charlie Day - dare I say it - co-oscar winners?

Did you ever notice that women with man arms invariably wear men's watches?