
"The show’s beauty is not in big moments, or exquisitely written scenes
(though it has both), it comes in the pauses between, the semicolons and
commas that make up the bulk of many lives, but which TV has trouble
giving full heft."

you must be a very strange person if you are not eager to rewatch it. I've seen every episode of this show at least 15-20 times.

So unfair, what do true fans like myself do who have been buying every season on blu ray in between seasons because they couldnt bare not being able to rewatch episodes whenever they wanted do? Sure as hell arent gonna spend 200 plus bucks on 5 seasons worth of episodes i already have just to see some documentary and

youve got to be joking. If they are in the show rescuing business, why dont they save something worthy, like Terriers.

one of the top episodes of the series, should get an A for the Don Peggy hospital flashback scene and what he tells her ,alone

i cant believe someone actually sat down and wrote reviews of this show, wow

How bout the first 4 seasons of the wire, theres an idea

B+? who are you people?

Better articulate that Kodak pitch right Todd.

The woman is the same homeless woman they have been showing since
season 1. Always appears at 1 major moment per season. Sutter promised
to delve deeper into her by the end of the series. Its obvious she was
supernatural when she popped up in Ireland. The end song is arms of an
angel, so thats what she is supposed to

Finally a satisfying episode. So thats 1 for 9 this year sutter.


I just watched the second episode. I wont spoil anything, other than to say it maintains the same level of greatness as "Camille". Excited to have a new high quality show.

Luckily for me i didn't read that review and the twin reveal came as a total surprise to me and it was great.

Well its def a show that warrants a rewatch, and thats always a sure fire sign of a great show.

That twin sister reveal was pretty awesome.

Excellent. Sundance continues to soar. I thought it would be annoying having to watch an entire show with subtitles but it really didnt bother me that much, i was still pretty damn captivated by it.

Out of the 3 of them thats the movie i remember the least, only saw it once i think, so i'll take your word for it lol. The Halloween and Nightmare on Elm street 90s versions were cool though.

For me The Curse of Michael Myers is my favorite. 95 was a great year for movies in general. And i liked all 3 mid 90s installments of the big 3, Halloween The Curse, New Nightmare, and I think it was Jason goes to hell, i like how they all tried to give the usual cookie cutter 80s format a deeper meaning behind the

Maybe for you that was satisfying, im with Gemma all the way and am sickened by Tara and everything she's doing. And the other moment you're talking about came in season 2, were in season 6 now, thats not too many moments……and yea it was a satisfying moment but it was overshadowed by a completely unsatisfying moment