
Jax's nickname should be changed from Handsome Jack To Clueless Jack. Soooo tired of him being completely in the dark about things. In a show of endlessly tired plot lines, this one may take the cake. Bets on how long it takes him to find out the truth about Tara? I'd say i hope its satisfying when he does and she

Every episode in the first 2 seasons of this show is at worst an A-, im shocked to see Bs. Only questionable parts of this series were the theater folk in season 3, other than that this is a perfect show.

Offically done watching this week to week. Way too unsatisfying. Worst episode in SOA history. I'll check back when its done to see if this fucking pig Tara gets what she deserves. To think Sutter actually came up with that story thinking it was a good idea, makes me sick. Was once one of my favorite shows, now all it

Know all that, thanks. WaltON Goggins is one of my favorite actors, but cant possibly imagine anyone else playing this roll so perfecty…..and seeing what AMC has become, id rather it now stay at Sundance so it is just left alone and not fucked with in any way.

This season is absolutely terrible so far. Easily the worst 2 episodes of the show. Not a great show to begin with, overloaded with people i could care less about, alot i dont even know of, and ones that i do know of in more increased rolls they have no business having, they belonged in the background. And Cutty from

You're wrong. If you really want the line that encapsulates this series, its the one Walt said right before that, the line is ……. " I am awake…." that right there says it all

That was so fucking awful. The new show runner is clearly felt. Trying to give everyone romantic interests. Great, havent seen that before. Can't anyone think differently? All these new people are awful, somehow they have pigs and horses now. Hows about getting into the hows and whys of how this whole thing happened

You're out of your mind calling this its best season. 2 and 3 were ALOT better than this. Boyd Crowder makes this show, and anything that marginalizes him in power is a major disappointment. And he doesn't use Ava to justify anything he does. He outright admitted to her and everyone else that he is the OUTLAW and gave

Sutter posts updates constantly that he's still writing scripts. He just finished writing the season finale today.

wow there are actually morons that exist that think he didn't die? I'm glad I don't read comments all that often, id bang my head through a wall, Fucking morons.

RIP Walter Hartwell White, you were the greatest thing to ever happen to television. I love you and praise you in all that you have done. You are my special angel.

This episode maybe be a result of the way the show is written these days also. The first 4 seasons I think were all shot and finished before it ran, now it all starts later and is being written and shot while the early episodes air, I guess because Sutter is no longer secure enough in his vision and goes off feedback.

Easily the best episode of the season, that's not saying much, but definitely the first quality episode of season 6. I could still go on for 10 minutes listing my complaints, but for a week i'll just enjoy the sheer brutality of it, and say a fond farewell to Otto, who raised the show up everytime he was on screen,

A lot of people who have no business talking about this show have been on there that added absolutely nothing of substance, like Bill Hadar, that idiot from Comic Book Men, etc. And The overall light/sarcastic tone that Hardwick brings to it, even though he promised he wouldn't, he just cant help it cause that's who

Perfect. The Greatest Show of All Time. Nothing more needs to be said. Honored I got to witness it from the beginning and will probably be watching this show the rest of my life. Genius.

Would love to see you or any of the 9 people who liked your post say something like that to my face, in fact I beg anyone of you to do it. Witless, I have more wit in my left nut then all of u put together, trust me. Cowards.

Some things you're pointing out are obvious, and others you're looking way too deep into. This show doesn't do things ambiguous reasons, it tells you what its gonna do and then its the execution of it that makes it special. He is most definitely going to pay them a visit, he has unrelenting anger towards them, he was

It will be satisfying because they were the ones who started it all, built their empire on his ideas, and now they are blatantly lying on the news about it. And since it was the two of them who instilled him to begin with whatever demons he has inside of him. And since he was ready to give up once he heard his son say

Fuck Heull. I wanna see a show about Todd, Uncle and Crew.

One of my favorite actors, thought he's deserved a lead role for a long time now, loved him in pretty much everything he's been in. But ANOTHER police procedural?? Come on. That's what Amazon chooses as its first original series? They should take a page out of the Sundance Channel, coming out with something completely