
The closest official language is Estonian, which is not a Baltic language (those are Latvian and Lithuanian). Hungarian is distantly related at the other side of the Finno-Ugric language family.

*Nordic countries.

Fraternal twins definitely run in my family. My Mom has twin cousins(paternal side), my aunt was a twin but the brother didn't survive, and my Mom is a twin and I myself am a twin. According to some twin statistics (http://www.twinstwice.com/t…, my changes of having fraternal twins is 1 in 17 (in comparison to 1 in 69

Former Finnish President Tarja Halonen, not Prime Minister

As a fraternal twin daughter of a fraternal twin (aka my mother is a twin and so am I), I have always found the talk of a 'special connection' to be bullshit and it's one of my least favorite tropes in fiction. It might be different with identical twins though since they share both DNA and the womb.

I thought she sounded very much like our politicians, those who got their schooling before the education reform. German used to be *the* foreign language in Finland so it makes sense our older politicians' English has hints of German.

Pasila is the best thing Finnish television has made. I think I'll watch some today.

Pasila is the best thing Finnish television has made. I think I'll watch some today.

I didn't mean it as a criticism, just wanted to let you know, since that name is very Finnish and as a Finn I feel the need to point out any possible Finnish connections. It's how we work.

I didn't mean it as a criticism, just wanted to let you know, since that name is very Finnish and as a Finn I feel the need to point out any possible Finnish connections. It's how we work.

His last name is spelled Immonen.

His last name is spelled Immonen.

We actually had a demonstration when no channel was airing "Conan". No joke. It should have been included.

We actually had a demonstration when no channel was airing "Conan". No joke. It should have been included.

Plus they just made the decision that learning mandatory Swedish starts at age 12 instead of 13 in an effort to better the Swedish skills of Finnish speaking Finns shows how important the connection to Scandinavian countries is considered.

Plus they just made the decision that learning mandatory Swedish starts at age 12 instead of 13 in an effort to better the Swedish skills of Finnish speaking Finns shows how important the connection to Scandinavian countries is considered.

That was Lifetime? Wow, did not know that. But I loved that show.

I assume it baffles most of us non-Americans.

Angel attacked the man who stole his child. Fuck Wesley.

S3 has two major arcs. The first one just ended and the second one just started. Once the second one ends there's not gonna be a proper arc for the rest of the season, at least not a mystery one.