
I think the fishnets are more iconic than the corset. I'm hoping for one sequence with fishnets and booty shorts. Looks at herself in the mirror, shakes her head no and changes into the leather.

Richmond has walls. I'm good with that since I'm in Richmond.

Everyone has the reanimation virus. The bite is what actually kills you fast. Remember how quickly they had to remove Hershels leg, and they still thought he was a goner? You're getting up no matter how you die (except from a brain injury). If the poison from the bite is in his blood, and at this point it is. Then

The most touching reunion was Daryl and his crossbow.


There's a graphic on I09's review that shows one of the bandits Kuvira stopped was the same bandit on the plane.

Not too long after my mom died my best friend and I went to see a midnight showing of Pink Floyds The Wall. Once the film got to the song Mother, I started crying uncontrollably and had to leave the theater. It took me over 10 years before I could listen to that album without crying. It still makes me incredibly sad.

Cam ruins the show for me. I've really come to hate all the need for constant validation and dramatics. It was funny and sweet at one point, but I would not be able to spend 10 minutes with a person like that before realizing they are toxic and dangerous. I'm surprised Mitchell hasn't gone postal, and everything Cam

To make her feel like whore, and completely powerless. She's used to being the woman behind the man, pulling the strings. Now she's a high priced snack.

Same thing I thought. Why make a point of telling us he's warm, and his mind can be read if they weren't moving towards turning him human? It's almost like the writers forgot they did that and had an out just waiting to happen. It seemed almost lazy, which I guess sums up a lot of this season.

Limiting trilogies to 3 never stopped Douglas Adams, just saying.

Finally! The Aunt May movie I've always wanted!!

I liked the ending if only because it played into how the older inmates are always underestimated. None of the younger inmates could have been so ruthless and cold as Rosa was behind that wheel. The "always rude" line was perfect.

Not to make an artistic comparison, but Green Day did with American Idiot what hadn't been done since 1979's London Calling by The Clash which is bring blatant protest music to the top of the charts. Arguably London Calling is one of the greatest records ever made. The Clash stepped away from their punk roots and fed

The whole Sarah is a failure makes a lot of sense, yet was a real twist. I think they've been toying with us making us think Sarah (and Helena) may have been the two they got right since they could both reproduce, now we find out that's not the case. The only reason I can think of to keep the clones barren falls back

Can't help wonder if this happened last year how it would have affected Community's ratings not going against BBT.

I'm not too convinced that Beth was taken to Terminus. The place feels like a very successful trap. Why go out to kidnap people when you can expect them to walk right in your door? I have read the comics, and I agree with the speculation of what Terminus is. I just don't think the people of Terminus would put

I was so excited to see the Bub cameo, I paused the DVR to show my wife a pic of him from Day of the Dead. This was the second Romero zombie cameo I noticed. There was the airfield zombie from Dawn of the Dead a while back. I hope they continue this trend. I would love to see Bloody Mary from Shaun of the Dead show up

I had problems with Flixster/Ultraviolet too. The website crashed on me then I tried again and it said my code was used and I couldn't use it again, but the movie wasn't in my library. I went through increasing frustration for nearly two hours and some emails to customer support, but I finally got it to work. I'm glad