
I really hate people who don't have time to talk to the cops, or who are just obnoxiously rude for no reason. Even taking mistrust of authority into account. If a cop knocks on my door, and I know I haven't done anything wrong i'm going to be as polite and helpful as possible.

Since they showed Glenn and Darryl bringing Bob into the group, it makes sense that he would want to help Maggie. He probably feels he owes it to Glenn to protect her, if not from walkers, then from being alone since she's lost everything.

Anyone think Glenn should have called out Eugene on his shit. Glenn has been to the CDC (never happened in the comics) and knows that nobody knows what caused the outbreak, or what to do about it.

Nothing in my area. Glad I'm a supporter and should get it digitally.

One of my least favorite episodes is when Sheldon goes out of his way to try to ruin something Amy loves because she saw plot hole in Raiders. Sheldon is becoming more of a calculating dick this season than normal. I no longer feel any sympathy for him. He simply takes pleasure in torturing the people he's closest to.

Anyone think the Governor has been so close the whole time that Michonne would never think of looking in their own backyard? Do you think he's been poisoning the water supply?

Damn! Bullet cleans up nicely!

Pablo Picasso never got called an asshole…, but Ross is so not cool!

I'm not suggesting Seward's son is the serial killer, but it's odd that Seward would be so willing to confess to a crime and brag about how much strength it took to kill her. The son could have easily, accidentally or through coaching slit his mothers throat or even shot her in the neck. The only thing tying the

My guess is we're going to learn that Sewards son actually killed his mother and Seward is taking the fall to give his son the freedom and chance he never had. Also being the best father he knows how to be. He already was a convicted criminal and probably figured on life inside. By contrast, Becker is a horrible

Reading through all the comments thinking am I the only one who noticed JONATHAN FUCKING DEMME in the credits? Thanks for reaffirming my faith in the AV Club.

As much fun as that was I feel I just saw the vampire plague plot on Being Human. Next thing you know, they'll tell us something ridiculous like shifter blood is the cure and it'll start a vamp/shifter war. Coming soon in the True Bloody Twilight of Being an Underworld Human…in 3D.

No cancellation till Jessica gets nekkid, After that, they can do what they want.

Kandor's been bottled since 1958, and Mr. Burns is no Brainiac.

George Romero had it start with all the unburied dead. That means hospital's morgues, battlefields and just plain city streets could be filled in no time before anyone had an idea it was happening. Some crazy homeless guy that froze to death in the subway could infect dozens before someone tries to stop him. Then

Right after she said that I turned to my wife and said "Isn't that all he wore on Scrubs after retiring?"

Hey AV Club, Why would you have someone who obviously doesn't enjoy the show review it? No offense to the reviewer, but I think most of us come here to get a bit of recap and discuss what we did and didn't like, and to speculate on future plot. This review reminded me of what it would be like hiring me to write a

Considering Carls chances of getting laid before he's an adult or finding some quiet time to himself and his impending puberty, It's best he's as responsible with a gun as possible

Anyone think the fur coming from the furthest storage place ever was a reference to the Arrested Development episode where Lucille has her maid Luz take her fur rack on the bus to a storage unit that's burned down?