
that how she relaxes. By obsessing.

Probably only I laughed when that "birth mother" showed up, but that lady is from The Wire.  She's the absolute least of the people you can get from the Wire to be on your show.  And when you have her on your show, she's got to be all about having a baby, or in this case, having had a baby.  That's what she brings to

I appreciated that at least the vacuum had dust on it.  When she was finished using it to clean up, she probably cleaned it, too.

that was the baby they put outside the front door in that chamber pot.  He didn't look to be in too good of shape.

This show is really, really good.  But it's maybe the fifth show I watch on Sundays, meaning I watch it on Tuesdays while my crappy Tuesday lineup is queueing in. I would love to talk about it with complete strangers, because (as recapped above) it doesn't feel the need to explain anything to you.  Just shutup and

Stealth R Us just imploded.  Every single other member of that alliance just lost the guy they most wanted to sit with at the end.  Now they all have to scramble to get allied with dumbass Eddie.

I think what Malcolm wanted was for Phillip to throw up a name outloud  in his scramble.  For him to say "Andrea" outloud to his alliance, or Sherri.  Then he could tell that person that they were for sure going home unless they voted Phillip, and he could try and keep his idol that way.  
Just blindsiding didn't give

and when they do show her, they get a quick closeup of her privates and move on, because that's all anybody wants to see.

I was so confused at why she was so stupid.  She got all flustered and forgot she held 6 votes.  Let him mix up his votes, and then do what you want, even if it's vote off Sherry. 
What a moron.

I quit three weeks ago (when Top of the Lake and Bates Motel gave me a DVR problem) and I've been doing just fine reading reviews only.  
You read the review and I get twice the pleasure.  The pleasure at David Sims' suffering and the pleasure at my own lack of suffering.  I really got to the point that I could not

No, I love this show.  I think it's just great.  I just wish they'd cast the guy who played Beowulf in the 13th Warrior as the Jarl.

Michael Crichton wrote that book on a wager that he couldn't make the Beowulf story interesting.  Or something like that.

he wasn't just the 13th Warrior guy, that was F-ing Beowulf, man.  I think they killed him off so as not to overshadow Jax Teller.

Ragnarok is the violent end of the world, and everything in it, including all their Gods and land and everyone.  It precedes a rebirth, but I think even Valhalla gets destroyed, so even their heaven is finite. That's why they don't want to talk about it.

he's so tiny and cute.  And evil.

I didn't even realize this show was being covered.  And I agree with how terrible Gabriel Byrne is.  He's just doing Gabriel Byrne.

This was exactly my first thought.  And I don't think (in the show's mythology) that she would have to have the number to give somebody else the number.  Whatever number she wrote down would be the right number to call, because of who she was giving it to.

I rewound to watch that part again, because it was really something else.  She was jiggling some parts that other women might deem unjigglable.

they gave him the description of "severe concussion."  Also, that's a giant belly wound to not die from, or have your bowels perforated.