sir hotbod handsomeface

Well, how embarrassing I never saw this. I downloaded a great deal of his bootlegged/outtake material from Mega Upload before the Great FCC Purge, but I can send put some stuff in dropbox and send you the link.

When the "shit ton of people" includes almost all critics, then it kind of does mean it's good. Tastes may differ, and Kanye's personality can be… grating, but his music is commercially AND critically adored. A forced Michael Bay analogy doesn't change that.

Wait, wait… P. Funk UNTIL 1976?

Well played

Is this the longest he's gone between releasing albums ever? I think it is.

Unfortunately, I downloaded a great many bootleg Prince tracks from Mega Upload before the DOJ's hammer of (in)justice fell. I've lost some of them thanks to a computer crash and a dead iPod, but I do have that one along with extras/outtakes from Around The World In a Day, Lovesexy, Parade and Sign O' The Times. I

The long (nine-ish minute) version of Pop Life was what turned that song from great to pantheon-great for me.

How else did people discover Janelle? I assumed, like me, they first heard her on Idlewild. What is it, "Call the Law" and "In Your Dreams"?

"Players Anthem" is supremely dope, as well as being responsible for the fastest I've ever gone from ecstatic to depressed in my adult life. A couple friends and I heard the distinctive opening to the track late one night at a strip club and all but sprinted to the rack, only to realize upon sitting down it was some