Fat Charlie The Archangel

Ellie, if Vertigo isn't mass appealing enough, you just go tell the appeal where it can shove its mass.

I don't see it as lost. The two great scenes are the circular shot of the sisters at the restaurant, and Allen in the theater. It won for best screenplay, and is probably Allen's best written movie. I like Aphrodite, but there's just no comparison.

Ooh! Did I wake you, son!

A vascectomy at 22 is a bad idea going by the numbers. First: the number of times its advisable to wear a condom is still the same. Every damn time. Second: the number of young women who'll be turned off at the idea of a relationship is much higher. Especially because a woman under 25 is liable to view a vasectomy

I'm a twice-divorced dumpy fella with thinning hair, so I doubt my comments will ever elicit all that much hurrah-hurrahing.

A set of novelty acts covering his songs is a novelty release by definition.

RTS is one of this decade's best albums. And I think "The Luckiest" is possibly its worst track. I prefer RTS to WEAEA, but not to Messner — which, in its turn, is one of the 90s best albums.

AVClub Commenter Number 37261, I'm sure you can see you're suddenly inundated with the artless pleas of ricket-ridden cyber-urchins.

I think its excellence is probably what you're missing, but it'll sneak up on you.

Martin Luth,

Is Tom Cruise actually a boll weevil in person, or ghis nose only like that on TV?

Ellie, I could never dig Punk Floyd. I have a hard time imaginnig anybody getting moved listening to them, outside a few songs.

The D+ Elite
Try harder and you'll be almost as good as Righteous Kill!

Rule 572: when a person isn't given to see social commentary in horror movies, ever, those horror movies are in all probability commenting on people like him.


How old are these kids, that they're watching Shakespeare in Love for class but don't get that what they're watching isn't real?

Another point in his favor: it wasn't his intention, but he wrote and sang enough songs to give Gangsta Rap it's white analogue, and thereby show up a lot of early 1990s Cash-lovin' hip hop-hating jackasses who think it's less violent or threatening when a white guy sings about doing cocaine and shooting his bitch of

@ricin beans,

Cave's is a totally different song, in that it goes on and on. The repetition of "and the mercy seat is burnin' … " with the manic guitars helps the song mime the state of the singer's mind. Cash's, well, great, is a very typical murder ballad for him, arranged in a typical way.

Cash's version brings a tear to the eye like no other song. It's just raw, totally defeated, and it feels remorseful beyond words.