The Prighlofone

YES. Me and some friends of mine were just talking about credit scores last night, and it seriously freaked me out how much of a coincidence this was. Not to mention this season premiering on the exact same day as a DDoS cyber-attack happening…

I think he was counting on the Cuban embargo lasting forever, so he might be off to search for a new hiding place soon…

I read an article today that questioned why he despised being referred to by his first name. I have a theory: he's reminded of not having any professional qualifications for the presidency (in government experience) and despite the bravado he stirs up about that being a good thing, it is a source of insecurity, and it

DAMN IT, no, not "Chuck"! I'm sorry for taking your appearance on Netflix as indefinite and for granted!

I'm not the only one who thought of this, right?

Isn't it not guaranteed he'll win re-election anyway?

We need his character back for this special. Badly. It might bring joy to people on that day.

We need to shut down their part of the Internet!

Mine's actually Neptune. I live in the same solar system as that planet, and I find it pretty cool.

This is the first AVC article that does not mention the Republican presidential candidate in which I'm leaving a comment in around a week. I've gotta be insightful here.

Michael has a genuine sense of remorse, though…

I don't think I've ever watched a single "L&O" episode, but I may just watch this because I'm excited to see Cole's portrayal of…someone much like our current Republican presidential candidate. He really is an underappreciated actor.


I feel like this article was as kind to Bone as anything I've seen since the Reddit backlash began, almost as if Bone was just a character O'Neal had made up and he wants to set the record straight about who he is as a person.

Yep, while I've seen articles about Karl Becker, it's nothing compared to this. And I think he deserves the attention moreso.

This might be the start of Push Against [Republican Nominee] 2016, though.

Myles, this is your chance! Review season 4!

"Oh, cool picture! Which one of those guys is you?"
"Oh, I don't swim."

One of my favorite Cox scenes where he demonstrates personal growth is when he admits how he truly feels about that shirt to Elliott:

I think calling Jordan "monstrous" is a bit over-the-top, but otherwise I agree with pretty much everything here and have a hard time believing that I could do a better job writing something like this (and "Scrubs" is tied with "The Simpsons" for my favorite show.) This article made me realize some of the relevance of