Your favorite what? Why does my foot hurt?
Your favorite what? Why does my foot hurt?
And he's right. This is absolutely insane.
I did enjoy this, although I think I would have even more if it was extended a bit more for more questions, reactions, angry banter between the Gang and difficult interactions with the other family.
NO, OSCARS, NO! THIS IS A DUMB FUCKING IDEA! This is one of the only ideas that helped make the show more fair. Boot out the dumbasses that support the idea of narrowing it back down to 5, and promptly forget the idea ever existed.
This was a seriously beautiful post despite how fucked up the death was. And it's not just cause it reminds me a lot of a girl I know (and the amount of coincidences are truly weird).
I dropped my monster condom for my magnum dong!
And likewise, of course. Come to NYC/NJ. Get lots of money first, then come.
That old Stephen Hawking quote, "when there is life, there is hope" has always been beautifully simple and true, for me. Trust me, you've got a lot of it - in addition to promise, talent, and a whole bunch of other qualities.
I thought this said 15.6 inches, and got concerned.
Rewatching it, the scene where Sam loses it at her dad might be my favorite scene of 2014.
Yeah, but this is set in the '80s, when psychology had not debunked this, so I don't see what's wrong with a portrayal - and like @Aymanut:disqus said, there's no guarantee that he actually had it.
And the film adaptation of "The Devil in the White City" languishes in an anonymous studio…
I honestly think it's possible, and don't know why people don't have faith in him.
You know who the REAL jesters are? Those sleazy bank executives!
I don't understand people who call it junior high.
If only "The Simpsons" were still in their prime, I bet they could do an amazing satire of next year's election come 2016 and the nominees are *shudder* Clinton and Bush.
FINALLY, someone says the one I've been hoping to see this entire thread!
Still too shocked to be happy. I imagine the happiness will set in soon, though.
There is not enough snark in the world for me to cram into one comment here about this idea, the music industry, and America.
That's why I thought this was such a strange choice for a Hate Song. Like, who in the world is going to defend this as a quality track?