Aussie comment blah

Coxon's a twat

Being an "e-mail interview" you would assume he gave himself a little time to measure his responses and make them as funny or as scathing as he wanted.

This just in, GIK get's owned….doesn't appreciate it!!

Blunderbuss is a lot more expansive than GBMS is. Similar tone, but utilising a full band pushes it in different directions than Satan.

Snarky from Starkey…I like.

It says record RZA. No mention of with so you are jumping the gun there Kid. He recorded ICP so it seems he will work with anyone.

Damn that Bright Eyes is a shit singer….Connor Oberst on the other hand has a delightful timbre voice!!

Cool story Hansel!!

True. I've always thought the pseudonym was pretty weak, but I suppose he just wants to distance himself from his MMJ work.

Really….it says who he is in the article!!

How is it possible for one person to sound better when auto-tune'd than another….it makes them both sound like robots??
The fact that you actually ranked Katy Perry songs says something very disturbing about you!!

They just ain't that good anymore. They never reinvented the wheel on the early albums, but at least they entertaining albums. Then they started believing their own hype a little too much….a bit of blow up the nose and BOOOOM…WE ARE MEGASTARS, NOW LISTEN TO ME MOTHERFUCKERS FOR I AM THE SECOND COMING MY DAD ALWAYS

Surely you jest about Paul being the best Beatle?? He was a good songwriter, but they never would have been what they were if it wasn't for John's Crazy/Visionary personna!!

By the end of it all, the bickering seemed very childish and superficial, but what was really happening was a power struggle between the two of them. Noel has always said he didn't give two shits…..but he is just as egotistical as Monobrow and couldn't have his monkey brained little brother ruling the band. This is

wacoshade, you are pining about the exact thing that dr. teeth is pointing out…they aren't "entitled" to anything, regardless of how great or shitty their music is and yet here we are, knowing full well that these lads are living a lifestyle that "Rock Stars" do feel entitled to.

I've always wondered who steered them in that direction. Fine line to walk between artistic integrity and getting paid. Maybe the drugs gave the already inflated ego's a nudge?

Beady Eye are fucking horrible!! I thought Gem and Andy had more originality in them….either they don't or they are scared of Monobrow!!

Maybe someone could try and dredge a path below No-Fi.

Rant over!!
Also, how long have you been stewing over your "College Rock Mastabatory Enterprise" theory??

I love me some Oasis, but the bickering of the brothers wore very thin!!