
Wu-Tang Clan, "Triumph"

Web Soup
Am I the only person that finds Web Soup to be an absolutely painful viewing experience? I typically enjoy Chris Hardwick, but his "infectious joy for discovering weird, fringe people doing weird, fringe things" just does not make up for 90% of his jokes falling completely flat.

Yuengling Black & Tan isn't half-bad either. Most of the time I just go for cheap beer, but when I want something good it's gotta be Yuengling, Blue Moon, or a local brew called Troegs.

Seriously, nobody else thinks its odd that the movie is based on crack babies predicting the future?

My biggest problem with Minority Report is that the basis of the plot is that pregnant women smoking crack could lead to children with precognitive abilities. That is a pretty large roadblock to me taking a film seriously.

It's a sad state of affairs
when Neil Diamond has to resort to a decade-old Adam Sandler gimmick to sell albums.

In a way, yes. In so many other ways, no.

The real question
Can they be as good as Jaylib?

It really isn't uncommon. A friend of mine once suggested that his sister seduce Chase Utley solely for the purpose of getting him to hang out with our friends. Needless to say, the idea was greeted with a hearty round of applause from the room.

I think they could spend an entire episode with just Sidney Crosby jokes. I can't wait.

Regardless of his looks, he is, in fact, a power-hitting second baseman in the NL. Do you know how rare that is?

Futurama and Star Wars
These were the first two things that came to mind when I saw the question. Then I realized I watch them whenever I have any free time at all. Being sick is just an excuse.

Well, Philly hates you too. Congrats. Also, Cheesesteaks do rule.

By the way, I took a date to see Dear Zachary and was too ashamed to call her after how I acted while watching that film. That alone is enough reason to put it on that list.

Dear Zachary and the Cheesy Gordita Crunch
I applaud the decision to add Dear Zachary to the list for Great Films too Depressing to Watch more than Once, but abhor the decision to put the Cheesy Gordita Crunch in the Questionable Fast-food category. If even one of you had the balls to try one, you would be blessed