
I am currently making my way through The Thick of It. My familiarity with UK politics doesn't extend past Prime Minister's questions.

Totally going to stab her in the back. He played that devil's advocate part reeeeealy well.

Totally going to stab her in the back. He played that devil's advocate part reeeeealy well.

I thought last week's was pretty fast as well. This one felt the weakest and slowest of all (not bad of course, just relatively). I think partly because the ensemble was separated. I loved the groups! The tension between Dan and Jonah was adorably disgusting and while we don't know the exact details, it really feels

I thought last week's was pretty fast as well. This one felt the weakest and slowest of all (not bad of course, just relatively). I think partly because the ensemble was separated. I loved the groups! The tension between Dan and Jonah was adorably disgusting and while we don't know the exact details, it really feels

Yet another depressing character reveal from Dan. The fact that he "overslept" at some chick's house for Machiavellian reasons is just sad.

Yet another depressing character reveal from Dan. The fact that he "overslept" at some chick's house for Machiavellian reasons is just sad.

@avclub-6066c7b24cbdc7ca4f81a343f4e0fc87:disqus Yup, the magic of "DC Hot" in action.

Did you miss Selina's line to Mike re his pants and it not being Halloween. He had to borrow one of Dan's five suits to look appropriate at the hospital. And for a ginge, I did think he was wearing them surprisingly well.

Ugh, watching Amy degrade herself in front of the pro-Caucasian caucus was some primo soul selling. Poor thing. I really hope they get that fucking FILIBUSTER REFORM!! Also, Dan made an excellent point about how the only the construction companies would make any money off their Great Wall is if they hired immigrants.

@Scrawler2:disqus I didn't know you lived in DC. I grew up there (and Virginia) but escaped to the North after college. I hate the insularity but I'm still a political junkie at heart so this show hits all the marks. Also, I spent a summer trying to bone as many DC Hots on the intern party ("DC Party") circuit. It's

I am definitely Team Mike. Dan is hot (well, "DC Hot") but Mike's zingers are gold. And is it just me or is Mike totally channeling Toby Ziegler from the West Wing? I don't think it's just the male pattern baldness either.

I'm still not following what you find so "wtf?" about Don hiring a black secretary. Perhaps you are worried that she's just a token (which she is in the context of SCDP) but also in the show? I have enough faith in the writers that they will find something substantive for her chew on eventually and she will not be

RE: the location of the Ancient Gods pit of brimstone

I'm sure if we ripped one of the crisp pages from his new journal, it would sound a lot like that "speech."

I agree with you that Sterling isn't going to jump into a third marriage any time soon. But, I DO think Roger will be carrying a few less wads of cash around once Joan gets her shit together.

I actually thought that killing off Dr Sausage Fingers in Vietnam would have been the cheap way out. Having Joan dump his ass cold, to his face, was icing on the cake.

Will Ferrell's performance is a character you love to hate, and for the most part I enjoy it (the make up does a lot). But he routinely goes overboard with the offensive bullshit. The dinner party from Chapter 15 was like the awkwardest of cringe comedy I've seen in recent memory and I thought the slave master bit was

@anyaroses:twitter @allusionist:disqus  Dexter?

New Hardcore History episode this week! I haven't finished it yet, but if I were being totally honest, I'd say it's one of Dan Carlin's weaker ones. It just kind of went in circles and I found all the justifications about "war insanity" and collateral damage to be a little too pat and irritating. Perhaps it has a