
No coincidence that Callie/Dick pulls some fine ass spy moves in what can only be described as a cat suit turtleneck. A caturneck?

Not only can James Cameron buy Tyson, but he can kill him some old fashioned bronzing (all right) and then hang him up like a new chandelier. I really had to read that phrase about 3 times. Is there some deeper "Titanic" allusion that I'm missing or was that just a really odd choice of words. Glad I'm not the only one

Since I am totally into Peggy AND Roger separately, I am also really digging their screen time together. Their chemistry was amazing. And even I know that hooking them up is a no go (I love Radical BF Abe too!), I'm hoping "someone" was inspired to write some slash fiction based on the previews alone.

I am similarly perplexed about how the sudden wait gain + obvious (benign) tumor on thyroid is the end of this medical story. Something is wrong with Betty, it's just not cancer.

Jack in that turban, with that accent, was just uncomfortable; I wouldn't be surprised if Alec Baldwin was phoning it in and not "terribly engaged" since that was just a weird sequence and not at all funny. I was more entertained by Baldwin's cameo in that car commercial than I was during Liz's meditation. Also,

Jack in that turban, with that accent, was just uncomfortable; I wouldn't be surprised if Alec Baldwin was phoning it in and not "terribly engaged" since that was just a weird sequence and not at all funny. I was more entertained by Baldwin's cameo in that car commercial than I was during Liz's meditation. Also,

"XR and 20s!"

I'm not a baseball fan and I completely missed the subtext of that scene. I was just like "oh, Kenny is going to take things fo real serious now, ok! Awesome!" Thanks for the insight!

I was beaming, literally BEAMING during that bowling alley scene. I never thought I would be inspired and at the end of an episode of Eastbound and Down. Makes me worried for next week.

Ugh I was thinking the same thing after Peggy's went blank. I really hope he didn't say anything to her. In fact, this is my main worry, that Peggy will be drawn into Megan and Don's inevitable shit parade.

One was a chicken drumstick and the other a frog leg. I loved how he had a breathing machine next to the bed as he slept at Stan's feet.

And then some Republican asswad legislators in real states started sticking their noses and transvaginal wands into women's vaginas and you figured you should probably think about reading it! It's a fast read, the main character is great and besides Atwood's somewhat purple prose, it's good dystopian fiction if you're

Two of my favorite shows this week had ridiculously trippy segments. Ugly Americans (fishing, I know) with Mark's sweat room hallucinations and kenny's slow motion death march to yet another "big monologue where Kenny makes a huge ass of himself." I love a good rave montage.

Doh! I just got a notice from my internet company for torrenting GAME OF THRONES. The real deal is that I'm too broke for a tv! Or rather too broke for the monthly payments that would make it worth it to own one. Incredibly, all my site streaming knowledge couldn't find me anything on my beloved medieval soap fantasy.

Wahoo! So glad this show is back. Um, Ass-kicking April was a joy to behold and I hope we get to see more of her antics as she continues to fall from grace. The utter horror on Cassie's face was extremely irritating. Child birth can suck it and this world is turning to shit anyway. Kramer v Kramer is also one of my

Oh Jesus, I haven't voiced an opinion on Anne Rice in a long ass time.

I don't like "The Conversation" more than either of those films either, but it's gone so unnoticed and under-appreciated that whenever I recommend someone watch it, I definitely lay the praise on a little thick.

Late to the game on this show, I just finished the first episode and loved it! The twins are amazing, I can't wait till we get to know Nathan more since I agree with Claire that he's probably the more introspective and interesting. And it's nice - well, not nice, but interesting - getting this perspective into

The naysayers can kiss my ass, whatever, I like these movies. Erm, well, the third one had Philip Seymore Hoffman to save it.

Agreed. The panel discussions are a few notches above most talking head shows (little incentive to wrap up talking points in 30 seconds, less mainstream guests) but I still can't believe how bad his monologue is. All the good comedians in LA and he can't find some better writers?