
ellie, I wanted so badly for demetri to come to my school but we got dat phan instead. What I'm saying is that's the best story you've told all week.

The attendees at a charity dinner or banquet or whatever are probably not the ideal audience for a stand-up routine. L snakey said, comedians feed off the laughter, and while i'm sure you did a bang up job of laughing (and saving lives, no less!) I can't imagine the entire room was really into it.

i read that the limited use of CGI in LFoDH was an attempt to make it more accessible and distinguish John, and the film, from the superhero mold that we've become so used to. But not only did that backfire, and he was transformed into an impervious dumb ass who "dont know nothing about them computers," but the

Bruckheimer's Empowerment Trilogy?
Please tell me there a montage of Isla trying on a bazillion fierce outfits and cooing over ugly, overpriced shoes. I'm guessing because this rom-com is being so honest in its transparent commercialism, we don't have to give it a grade?

in my defense, i am still drunk from last night.

We love him because not only is he mean and condescending, he is rich as hell, and not ugly or old.

okay, well I'm in college now and I'm really surprised by the number of people who are completely ignorant of the beatle's music. One specific memory i have is riding in a car with some girl on the way to Home Depot. We were borrowing the car, there was no radio so I rifled through the owner's cds. Of the meager

whoops! I should have read a little more too, ellie even if i see now that we don't necessarily agree. I'm definitely searching for the Inverted Forest as we speak and thanks for the rec, Pari!

Ellie is right. His best book is Franny and Zooey.

I think the hair and accessories (most tragically, that tiara) for that scene must have been purchased at the Family dollar.

living in the dc/va my entire life, these over-the-top "urban melodramas" were rather ubiquitous and thank christ no one in my immediate family was interested in going to see them. It is possible to experience a diverse theater experience and not have your ear drums blown out by the shouting matches (read: acting)

hmmm. i never saw the snap pattern as a particular letter ("S" is for "Snap?") but as something more akin to the sign of the cross, but yknow, sassy black women are doing it instead of sassy gay dudes.

complacency is definitely getting the best of him but when you're on the top, there is no where for you to go but down. Perhaps he's conserving his energy for the final?

my favorite winner
I really question how much "good will" he gained from the industry when he rejected the grand prize from the show that made him famous. For those that watched "Project Jay," i was super annoyed at Heidi when she made Jay do all the work on that dress and then decided to go with something completely

The first time I saw the ending, I was actually relieved cause it felt like there was -some- kind of closure. To say they didn't learn anything is a little unfair even if the dynamic of their relationship isn't turned completely on its head. Will they live happily ever after… Who the fuck knows? But they obviously

@prison wine

i love how easy it is to create a "tradition" on a message board.

FYI, "Chang" is actually short for Changstein. His jewish ancestors decided to Americanize their name when they arrived at Ellis island over 100 years ago!

oops! Flock of Seagulls are a little before my time and the first thing to come to my mind was that creepy music video.

i had a JEEP Big Wheel too and it was hot fucking pink! Not only did this insidious branding not affect my future buying or driving habits (I don't even have a license). Rather soon after getting, I used the car to take out revenge on my younger cousins feet and I don't remember being allowed to drive it often.