
Nope. Wrong. DEAD wrooooong.

I'm with Tasha on this one.
Somni and Sloosha definitely my own favorite parts of the book. It's been a while since I've read it, though - I ought to take another read.

I like the comments that come much, much later than the articles.
To me, they kind of seem the most worthwhile. This review was almost surely written before the comment system was in place, and yet three people before me had, several years after the movie's release, seen it, thought it was interesting, searched for

Is it me
or is the house in the trailer the same house in which they filmed Baghead?

There is something
that seems very fundamentally insincere about LCD Soundsystem's music that greatly turns me off from it.

Sounds like
he is still lazy with regards to enunciation. Does that annoy anyone else? Just make a little effort to move your mouth more, fella!

Hahahaha! I larf. Well played.

Have ya listened to the two bands side by side? I literally could not care less about "name-dropping" anonymously on the internet. "Ooooh, anonymous commenter Herg is so cool!" Really and truly. The two bands just bear a marked resemblance in terms of songwriting. Listen to the chord progressions, the rhythms,

Thanks, dudes. Jazz and classical I do like quite a bit. I guess I'm perhaps just sad that the kind of music I've loved for so long rarely appeals to me any more. What can one do? But I'll check out some of these suggestions! Rock on!

How about, say, indie rock?
Or like, a lot of music in general, popular or other. Particularly things like punky indie disco rock, with that tick-a tick-a TICK-a tick-a beat on the high-hat, the big TICK signifying an open hat and the rest closed. Especially the kind with annoyingly obviously little LCD-Soundsystem

God, that fucking sucks.

White Noise is great, and not too lengthy.

This movie is just fantastic.
Add my vote to that column. I need to see it again, but I guess it just really expresses a lot of things about, what, the inherent sadness and happiness of being human? And in a very interesting way, sort of impressionistically and metaphorically, but in a truly sincere manner that I

And whores and pigs and getting down on your knees!

Totally right on that Matt Sharp angle. I had been discussing with a friend a little while ago about how his departure from the band was concurrent with their decline in musical quality. Sharp was likely keeping Cuomo in check, and look at his wild rampage now!


I remember
rewinding this scene and playing it in slow motion a whole bunch of times when I was little. So awesome.

I've got to say, in my opinion, The Happening is really just abysmal. Entertaining to hoot and holler at and berate with a group of friends, surely, but the acting is roundly leaden and the final reveal of the menace is just disappointing. The first scene, is, however, pretty cool.

Let me clarify; my concurrence was with Bernice, not Corleone. Longer post lets others jump in before finished, leading to confusion! While I do think the fundamental-misunderstanding-of-how-movies-and-life-work is pretty harsh and unwarranted, it was a well-written review, and I'd certainly read future articles of

I have to concur here. Just staying right there the whole time with one continuous vantage point really does feel, to me, to lend a whole different feel to the scene. It is much more claustrophobic, and I think works much better to give the experience of how terrifying it would be if a situation you were in in real