Captain Dada

Uh oh! The truck have started to move!

@avclub-f73c955e2c1f51451a682f5c1ce0e867:disqus I wouldn't kick you out of my life raft for eating crackers.


Inc'est la vie.

I'll send you to Belize…. on Monday.

Winter sale is coming.

@avclub-5bc6960dad8ab0694bb4d6ff884b0c1e:disqus Nobody wants to hear about your masturbation techniques.

Close. It's David Chen from the Amandas Who Nox podcast.

Yeah. The only time she should be telling you what to do is when you're having a baby or picking out a good Nicholas Sparks book.

@avclub-605302b7b2612ace0b5716f3285b7ba0:disqus Horse?

Some cable systems have an east coast feed.

Watch it in reverse?

He is sort of a loose end for Skyler. She might just put a pillow over his face real quicklike.

Thanks for the kind words, BonerTime.

Mine got married shortly after we broke up, with some French guy who looks like a homeless dude. I did some snooping and found out that she was putting up Craigslist ads because she was into canine bestiality. I'm being completely serious. Luckily, I always used a rubber with that skanky ass ho.

Well, they're certainly not gonna do a caption contest for 12 Years a Slave.

You ain't gotta lie ta kick it, Craigberg.

J'a Cuse?

I thought it was Daniel Craig playing Cyrano de Bergerac.

Student 1: Hello.
Student 2: Hello. How are you?
Student 1: Very good. And you?
Student 2: So-so. And you?
Student 1: Very good.
Student 2: Okay. Do you know where the shoe store is?
Student 1: Yes. It is on the street where the discotheque is.
Student 2: Thank you. I like to dance.
Student 1: Do you know where I can buy some