Captain Dada

If a guy gets excited about decorations, he might be gay.

@Scrawler2:disqus He's a prophet and a pusher, partly truth, partly fiction.

Ah, the Kobayashi Maru.

*points to clock on the wall that says BONER for every number*

*points to Cheeto-covered sign listing prices*

I haven't even brewed a new pot of coffee yet.

Astronaut Jones would be something out of which I would watch the shit.

Her Nostromo-stowaway brother.

Hold on, lemme clear off a space for her to sit down.

Over on Chicanery Row.

Just like Bryce Dallas Howard is always wearing ball caps that cover her baldness.

Jagerbomb is industry slang for "Pacific Rim".

Okay, I'm glad it just wasn't some dream that I saw this article a few days ago.

Based on your username, you were probably a hummingbird.

Sheldon was in that scene?

Took me awhiile to realize she was the teenage daughter from 8 Simple Rules…… even though I only watched that show for that post-John Ritter death episode.

"I had a donut for breakfast, you jerk!"

RIP Jamie-Lynn Sigler

Christopher Nolan is da bomb.