Captain Dada

The shirtless Raj/Howard scene just took forever because sitcoms have this thing where the actors have to pause for laughter, and that was supposed to be some ZANY SHIT!

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus Fred Schneider and Al Roker.

I sincerely want Walt to reference Magorium's Wonder Emporium in the finale. Like he's Will Smith and Shrek in I Am Legend.

This isn't grade school, Kirk. I'm not gonna ask her out just because of peer pressure.

I made the mistake of playing it for my niece and nephew  because it's always felt warm and cute and it's a cartoon and then I turned red when Gene made a vagina reference. I mean, it's still a clinical term for anatomy and there are worse things on the news, but early Simpsons didn't really need to go there, but

I had a crush on Dr. Katz's receptionist.

Crazy Men… and Women

Or Dr. Katz.

She probably smells Robin Williams, who is an old fart.

You're like a weight-obsessed Patrick Stewart.

My nephew calls it Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Cluster Fuck. Did I mention he's 24?

Oh jeez, I never made it past half of season 3.

My brother had the GMV soundtrack on vinyl and you know what never gets old? Adrian Cronauer dialogue from the film in between songs you've heard a million times.

I'd say he was good in them, not necessarily that they are good films.

@avclub-b20754d0f1e8ae843e00a8b39a667112:disqus Well, don't google Brion James.

Peter Pan and Daphne

I find it kinda bizarre (and I might not be entirely correct about this) that NBC and CBS are pitting Robin Williams against Michael J. Fox, 2 dudes returning to television, and they both have had some drama in their lives. Not that I will probably watch either, but I'd pick the Michael J. Fox one over this one.

I like Popeye just because it scared the shit outta me as a kid. The weird musical numbers and Ray Walston and Popeye's creepy arm and the octopus at the end.

The original title of RV was Let's Roll.

iDidn't know that