
wow.  what a douchey comment.

henry corbin loved the shiites.

what about sfar's work?  or ben katchor?

my main problem with "the league" is exactly this issue, as pete and kevin are the cool characters, and everyone picks on andre.  however, the show has gotten better in having kevin and even pete sometimes get their comeuppance too.  but i never liked the smarmy way we were supposed to identify with the cool guy, who

how did you not list "Toy Story 3?"  the entire movie is about confronting your mortality!

All German soldiers were Nazis, since the sole governmental entity was the Nazi party, their employers.

well, to be fair, the leslie likes mark thing was resolved, not dropped, in that leslie (in the last ep. of the first season) realized she was beyond such childish fancies.

i could see everything.

i love how the title of the album comes from her "good one" robot character from comedy death ray.

are you reviewing this show as well? i say yes!

june diane raphael
i did not know that scheer was married to her. lucky man. she is hilarious.

paul ben victor
my primary association with him was the OLD sci-fi show, "the invisible man," which i used to watch with my dad. is it just me, or was it an awesome show?

the later, post-wedding episodes are better, since the bad luck vibe expands beyond sam, so it's a little more fair-seeming. plus, erinn hayes really shines.

the curse is broken
huzzah, ladies and gentlemen. the AVC was able to interview an actor from an upcoming film, and the aforementioned film garnered a rating higher than C! happy days are here again!

love and zombies
my friend's mom is a stuntwoman in this movie. she gets shot in a barn.
first, how awesome would it be for your mom to be a stuntwoman!
second, she met her husband, my friend's father, on the set of a TV show, in which she was being chased down by an avalanche. now THAT's a story for the grandkids.

i think i…
might be the only person who used to watch her first show on abc family (i think it may have been fox family then) called state of grace.
she played a jewish girl named hannah with a christian friend named grace.
the actress who played grace (too lazy to check imdb) also played ann (egg) on arrested

she works on CNBC not MSNBC

wow. when she was dancing at the end of the episode, i damn near wet myself.
and the camera knew it, too. she was effin' hilarious.

wow. when she was dancing at the end of the episode, i damn near wet myself.
and the camera knew it, too. she was effin' hilarious.