
Lithuanian is not just an Israeli term. It refers to the original split within the Ashkenazic Jewish community, during the advent of Hasidism, between the upstart Hasidim and their opponents, the Misnagdim (which literally just means "opponents"). Largely speaking, the Misnagdic establishment was quartered in

Hi, i'm actually doing my doctorate in Hasidism (and am a practicing Jew). I'd be happy to provide some context. I also wanted to voice appreciation for the curiosity which prompted your question.
Hasidism (Pietism) was a revivalist movement that began in the 18th century, in greater Poland. There are many theories

Yiddish is the quickest growing language in New York city. More and more young people (obviously, primarily Hasidic) speak Yiddish.

Is it just me, or was there a huge chunk left on the editing floor? After not-Joe West told Barry and Kara to suss out Millie's whereabouts, it just cut to not-Cisco taking them there. Did my satellite cut out something?

i'm glad the Red Ranger and his understudy were able to find work after the group fell apart.

Tom King being assigned to Batman got me back on board, after a lonnnnnng break following Morrison's run. i definitely agree it feels fresh and fun, but i think that's due to King translating the sensibility with which he infused "Grayson," which was the funnest book on the market for its run, while he wrote it. It

Does this mean there's no chance for another season of "Other Space?" i really liked it!

Torv being wooden in the first season was part of the arc, since she was hyper-repressed, and as her character loosened up and opened up, she got more of a range.

i just want to make sure that everyone gets that the station of their public access tv show (WOLO), when read aloud, sounds like, "Double You Oh 'Ell Oh."

Can a black man ever survive sci-fi or horror?

i think the show's politics are more complex than simply right-wing. Why would you think the writers put their true political message in the mouth of a woman aligned with the (European) "bad" guys?

What do you mean "True Blood's" Brit Morgan.
You clearly meant "Middleman," i hope.

i think the reason today's episode was so particularly Jewish was based on a pretty well-disguised joke.
It's the 13th episode of the 6th season (6-13), and, traditionally speaking, there are 613 commandments in the Torah. It's a big number in Jewish symbolism/numerology.
i am actually pretty sure this is why.

Who's this "they?" The GOP politicos went against the majority will and enacted this shitty law. How is it just or wise to collectively punish the entirety of the state, especially when it's clear the state GOP does not really give a shit about it?

i agree that playing a show and donating to LGBT community funds, as well as prioritizing hiring venues/vendors who do not discriminate is a better option, since boycotting IN hurts everybody there, not just the assholes who signed/support this law.
However, they are hardly attention-seeking assholes for publicly

My most phantastic phantasy!

i had imagined Tina Fey could be a good choice.

No love for the Julie Bowen of "Ed?"

Featuring HOW MANY new songs by Pharrell?!?!?!!?