Cryogenic Limbo

You did it wrong, then!
I'm on my second box of Spike Your Juice… you definitely did it wrong. Don't use fruit punch. Get some Welch's White Grape and let it sit for 3 days… it's just enough. Pomegranate and cranberry juice also works well. fruit punch, not so much, unless you a) be sure to swirl-mix the packet

I still think it's a shame they cut Seth Green's scenes from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

The Gamer Grub looks revolting. No one in my guild would eat that shit, anyway; we all cook, and some are food snobs. Maybe it would work for the teenage gamer set, but not the 30+ set, apparently.

Hopefully it'll be back for Halloween, right on schedule.

Now, maybe…

They might as well make it into a cartoon.
"brooding demeanors that more than make up for the fact that they have to tilt their heads back to swallow water"

You know…
It's so much less subtle and so much more more like, "why the hell is she going on about Hamburger Helper?" Honestly. At least it's genuinely comedic when aggressively blatant.

World without end, amen.
The New York Times seems to be missing the boat, and the mark, more and more. It seems to be a downward spiral that started in the mid-nineties. Well, then add Jayson Blair to the mix…

The only thing that could somehow make this more pathetic is if he were having a yard sale instead of an auction.