
Great episode, well worth the time taken to watch it (unlike a few others). I agree with the sentiment about the lack of relationship drama being a big help to the storyline. One beef I had is the scene where Mac drops the bomb to the team about retracting the story: I've worked in too many strategy meetings to know

No, that distinction still belongs to The Comeback.

I agree with most, it was a confusing episode with seemingly no direction. Aside from the Becca lines (you would understand this vitriol if you ever lived with a teenage girl/daughter), everything else made little sense. Yes, why is there alcohol in the house? Yes, why didn't Hank move Holly out of eyesight? Yes, why

I never thought I'd see a worse show than HBO's "The Comeback", but I stand corrected. My suggestion would be to dump this catastrophe and pick up "How To Make It In America" — better writing can save that show, but HOL is…is…is not good.

Ditto — that was one of the most memorable sketches I've seen on SNL. Can't believe he's only been on once. And BTW, the last name is pronounced "os-WE-pay"…bwahahaha!

…and it ends on a high note, just like every other HBO series does in its first year. Wonder how many hits will Crisp Jeans get?

Also saw the pilot on IMDB, and my 11yr old loved it just as much as I did. Agree with most of what the critics say here, hope the writers make the appropriate changes, but otherwise looking forward to the show continuing (albeit w/o an insufferable Henry). "Goodwin’s Snow White is eventually revealed to be equal

I guess I'm another one in the minority. Agree with most in that it's strange enough to warrant my interest as long as it's on air. Also agree that we were thrown too many plot points at once. Last thing I want to read is another "…and whatever happened to that guy/girl?" like we see in most of the other reviews of

Blah. Very surprised to see this high of a grade. Gave it a view, for about 15 minutes. Seems trite and predictable. Judging from other comments, maybe it's just me. I guess every generation needs their FalconCrest/Dallas/Dynasty/KnotsLanding-type evening tv soap…