I'm surprised that nobody has commented on the fake commercial for the pedophile-hunting show's similarity to NBC's "To Catch a Predator."
I'm surprised that nobody has commented on the fake commercial for the pedophile-hunting show's similarity to NBC's "To Catch a Predator."
Not to mention, he later apologized and reviewed the whole thing.
"Cavender is Coming" is easily the worst episode of "The Twilight Zone" that I've seen. Even Carol Burnett couldn't make any of it funny.
I wanted this movie to be better than it was. The parallels between the criminal underworld and the political scene of 2008 were flimsy at best, and it felt too short (supposedly the first cut was two hours long, whereas the final cut barely squeaks past 90 minutes).
I hope he made this noise when they came after him:
Watching the American pilot that had almost exactly the same script as the first British episode, it astonished me that they cut out the A-Team gag, since it was the funniest part of the scene and one that would have been accessible to Americans. (It was even more bizarre when they had the planning montage use the…
I was kind of surprised by this news. I was convinced NBC was sending a sign with the apparent lack of a Tattlecrime site.
Every time I see the trailer for this, I think of the irony of how a movie about shaming unethical corporations is being released by a subsidiary of the corporation that made "phone-hacking" a well-known term.
I wasn't kidding, I was pretty curious. Thanks for answering.
I feel bad for asking, but…
Saw "Side Effects" on Wednesday at a second-run theater, and the big reveal certainly does a number on what you thought you were seeing in the first third or so of the movie. (Although sadly, it was slightly ruined by my knowledge of a certain steamy scene's existence.)
"There are other universes?"
"Lean forward, Mr. DiCaprio. We need the audience to feel like you're going to eat them."
"You think HE likes ham! Wait till you see ME like ham!"
To answer your question: "Rebecca" is from 1940, and "Screaming Skull" was late 1950s.
No love for this line?
"This is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to you! And you've met Garry Shandling!"