A novelty song by Alan Moore

I really liked Skyler in that scene, too. I thought this was a really good Skyler episode. In both the diner scene with Hank and the bedroom scene with Marie, Skyler appears to lose her shit as a method maintaining control over the situation.

The problem with the Civil War is that they asked us to choose sides, then only gave us one side to choose from. It made me feel like a monster for thinking that maybe the government should have a list of people who blow up when they sneeze. The only reason that registered superheros are gangpressed into government

I'm gonna get a jelly doughnut and ride into the night

There are plenty of times that people have had to sacrifice their
dignity to survive, thrive, etc. The fact that many people get along
with a little bit of dignity necessarily makes them privileged, seeing
as there are people without any.