Russ Fischer

Odd Commercialism
Great to see these end up in the list. I've been in love with this series since I saw them at TIFF a few years back. One thing I find quite interesting about Refn is that he is, in some ways, an unabashedly commercial director. He made Pusher 2 & 3 because he needed money, and he's recently stated

Admiral Neck: Bringing up FEAR is a good idea, but to my mind because the campaign here never gathered much more momentum than the dull storylines in both primary FEAR games. ODST never built any steam; it was mostly just one small encounter after another. No tension, no real threat, no cohesion. The score kept me

Arkham is similar to BioShock in more than a few respects. The comparison comes pretty easy. That Arkham doesn't wither under it says a lot.

It's not like Alien 3 is some overlooked masterpiece, but the various cuts now available show it to be a better film than most give it credit for. And there's no denying the influence on BB.

If done right, yeah, definitely. I couldn't play through BB again without frequently thinking of the Thief games.

It's been showing in Atlanta at the Plaza Theater one Tuesday a month. (www.plazaatlanta.com)

And not even New Yorker was willing to bite for the touching and sad TROUBLE EVERY DAY, with that haunting Tindersticks score. Lovely, lovely film. Is the just-OK Hong Kong DVD even still available?

First draft of this review was composed on a clarinet. But those unimaginative AV Club editors demanded a text file. I tried…

Talking to a few other people today, I'll probably end up being in the minority here. Which is fine, but I stick by my estimation of the 3D.

I haven't had time to listen to Turan's review, but in my estimation the 3D here did not enhance or underline the unsettling plot, nor did it particularly add to the dynamic between Coraline and her Other Mother. It adds some visual flair here and there, but did nothing to affect the basic tension that makes the movie

See it in 2D. Loved the movie, but the 3D was almost wholly superfluous. Added something in two or three scenes. Otherwise, was a distraction from the lovely animation.

Oh, no, definitely fight in front of the kids. They won't learn conflict resolution playing games.