
NOTHING in this movie is not foreseeable.

with the same guy being responsible for sending pieces (contaminated pieces, in all likelihood) of the ISS down to earth, even though he saw how quickly ONE CELL of that monster turned into, well, that monster.

well, both of them are now likely thinking: "yeah, that probably wasn't such a good idea after all!"…

Aurora Lane apparently is.

…and you wouldn't even have to rewrite the story.

could've brought on a shovel, though.

do NOT cut them!

It's way easier for Zombies to loot for new stuff - they don't have to be afraid of the Walkers.

which is why you probably shouldn't do so much stupid stuff, especially when you consider yourself experienced.

they watch out for each other, and watch their steps. until they fall through the roof.

you did see what the Saviours where able to do last season, no? blocking all the roads. all of them.

you are some crazy country. (no offense)

Still, there's nothing they can give the Saviours that they don't already have or know.

Last week I ate some roast saddle of venison that was killed in that out-of-phase state. Looked impressive, tasted very strange.

The Alexandrians! So naive!

nono, please keep on. I love your recaps, they serve as documentation that, yes, people actually NOTICE the crap the writers are feeding us.
I'm not sure whether to continue to season 3 yet, so please continue then. (I found the double finale to be the best episodes in the season, before these two I was already

even later to the party, but I just wanted to add that Zanic's accent does not sound like an Austrian accent, more like some kind of french accent. I looked it up, and he is from Poland, so maybe that is how a Polish accent sounds.