
Last week, I was wondering WHAT this season was about.  Now, I understand.  This episode may have saved the season for me.  Not only was the ending spectacular, but the entire rest of the episode was terrific, too.  Observers acting Observery; special effects; kickass action; our characters all acting SMART; and —

Yeah, I remember those days - back when there used to be awesome sci-fi/fantasy books that, like, ENDED and were over, and there weren't second and third ones in a trilogy with publishing dates assigned already.

Yeah, I remember those days - back when there used to be awesome sci-fi/fantasy books that, like, ENDED and were over, and there weren't second and third ones in a trilogy with publishing dates assigned already.

Thanks for expressing it better than I could.

Thanks for expressing it better than I could.

Thanks for expressing it better than I could.

Does anybody still actually CARE about the Star Wars universe, though?  I mean, seriously.  I'm not talking about dragging yourself to go see these movies - you know you'll probably do it.  It just seems to me that Star Wars has become sort of a bloated joke that absolutely nobody takes seriously even as popcorn

Does anybody still actually CARE about the Star Wars universe, though?  I mean, seriously.  I'm not talking about dragging yourself to go see these movies - you know you'll probably do it.  It just seems to me that Star Wars has become sort of a bloated joke that absolutely nobody takes seriously even as popcorn

She was probably still in Vancouver to do ADR for the episode.

She was probably still in Vancouver to do ADR for the episode.

The thing that disappoints me most about losing Etta is that we won't get any more nice scenes between her and Peter.  Despite them being dangerously close in age and hotness, I totally bought Joshua Jackson as her dad.  That scene where he gave her the necklace was great.

The thing that disappoints me most about losing Etta is that we won't get any more nice scenes between her and Peter.  Despite them being dangerously close in age and hotness, I totally bought Joshua Jackson as her dad.  That scene where he gave her the necklace was great.

I don't care for the tapes either, but I honestly didn't think they got in the way during this episode.  They served their purpose.  Helps when the rest of the episode is interesting.

I don't care for the tapes either, but I honestly didn't think they got in the way during this episode.  They served their purpose.  Helps when the rest of the episode is interesting.

Peter went out to get Etta a necklace because he LOVED HER.

Peter went out to get Etta a necklace because he LOVED HER.

Actually, his name is Pacey and he's Canadian.

Actually, his name is Pacey and he's Canadian.

There's only one Peter Bishop, is what they mean.  And he's in our universe, not the one he came from.

There's only one Peter Bishop, is what they mean.  And he's in our universe, not the one he came from.