Matt Borgard

Andy was my favorite character up until he became manager and turned into a massive dick for no reason.

If only there was a way to make a digital copy of a physical disk. Alas, technology fails us again. I'll just have to wait patiently for AV Club's review of the new Journey LP.

@Scrawler2:disqus 's just saying 'bananas and nuts,' and I won't tell you why … that's your father's job.

I actually think the show goes too far with it. In the book, Joffrey is a putrid little shit, but we never (as far as I recall) see him torturing whores to death. It's hinted that it's what he may stoop to down the line, turning into a rehash of Mad King Aerys, but he's not there yet. I don't love the show's treatment

I thought it was pretty dreary, but in the way most pilots are. It had enough potential that I'd watch the first few episodes, and Jeffery Tambor was fantastic as always, but a lot of the jokes were awfully cliche, and the show lacked the amazing satirical bite from The Onion.

Wow. I'm usually on board with AV club reviews, but I could not disagree more here. This is by far the best Iron Man movie, and it's my favorite Marvel film so far, The Avengers included. The twist was delicious.

Watch S1E07 - Drive By. If you don't like it, you can safely write off the show as not for you.

Yup. And the laugh track makes it worse. Lazy jokes without laugh track just makes me yawn; lazy jokes with a studio audience guffawing makes me RAGE. Every time Barney said "Ralph Macchio" and the audience vomited with laughter, I wanted to punch the screen.

This episode was unfathomably terrible until the third act, and even then, I'm not sure the "reveal" made up for the horribly unfunny two-thirds that preceeded. Seriously, I can forgive the characters being over-the-top for the sake of the joke, but it's possible to be over-the-top in a funny way, and not over-the-top

Sure, but I took interpretted this article as asking: "Why are these shows on DVD? Does anyone even remember or want to watch them anymore?" When the answer for Dinosaurs is clearly, unfortunately, yes.

Dinosaurs doesn't really fit here, because as terrible as it is (and it IS terrible, and doesn't stand up to a modern-day watch at all), there's a ton of nostalgia for it from young adults who watched it as kids. I have multiple friends who bought the DVDs. So there's absolutely a market for it.

Scientific best friend of Littlefinger and Strong Belwas?

"I’m fairly certain the former Maester who treats Jaime’s wounds is supposed to be somebody, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out who. Thoughts?"

Which you know will be the end of the movie anyway. And then there will be a dance montage to Ain't No Mountain.

"The Wedding Marriage"

Would have been much better if it wasn't the most cliche fucking wedding speech ever.

"The show has yet to really do anything with Bran"

More than anything, there seems to be a massive lack of quality writing, and I don't know how you really fix that. Is it just that every decent writer has jumped ship to cable? I mean, going back now, Friends is far from perfect, especially in the later seasons, but it's still much more enjoyable than 95% of sitcoms

King in the Friend Zone

The A-story of tonight's episode was literally carrying Stanley down some stairs. I think it's time to end it.