Manic Depressive Dream Girl

I go between Johnny Walker Black, J&B, and Glenlivet. Decent enough for the price if you're drinking it a few or more times a week.

Say what you want about America, but $13 can still get you a hell of a lot of mice.

Say what you want about America, but $13 can still get you a hell of a lot of mice.

Loafers, man. Sexy as hell and pretty dressy-caszh at the same time. But then again, most people aren't me and don't to grandpa for fashion ideas.

Loafers, man. Sexy as hell and pretty dressy-caszh at the same time. But then again, most people aren't me and don't to grandpa for fashion ideas.

I am objectifying you so hard right now. Feel it?

I am objectifying you so hard right now. Feel it?

I KNOW. It's been over 90 all summer in the midwest. I can't wait to wear fucking sweaters and tights with everything.

I KNOW. It's been over 90 all summer in the midwest. I can't wait to wear fucking sweaters and tights with everything.

Doc Martens?

Doc Martens?

We have one of Captain Kirk that always gets drug out for Thanksgiving and never gets old. Good times.

We have one of Captain Kirk that always gets drug out for Thanksgiving and never gets old. Good times.

Excuse me while I zoom into Sean O'Neal's tattoo. I've always wanted to know the Chinese character for "snark."

Excuse me while I zoom into Sean O'Neal's tattoo. I've always wanted to know the Chinese character for "snark."

You could have saved that money until next week at least. There's an all-day Criminal Minds marathon on the teevee right now.

You could have saved that money until next week at least. There's an all-day Criminal Minds marathon on the teevee right now.

Obviously he's trying to tell us he wants to mug Wes Anderson.

Obviously he's trying to tell us he wants to mug Wes Anderson.

I, for one, would not be disappointed with awkward, graphic, sexy Donald Glover sex scenes.