Manic Depressive Dream Girl

For some FOOTBALL??!!?

"Find a schtick people love, and milk the shit out of it." Try saying that ten times fast!

A part of me wishes this read "My Lifelong Goal of AV Club Keg Parties."

Bro, "boypussy" was registered. He was eventually banned, but registered nonetheless.


That would explain why Nabin's Jewish!

Yeah. That movie's like an east-coast continuation/version of F&G to me.

Oh really? I hadn't noticed.

"Bill! Are you drunk?"

I throw in some real left-field shit now and then just to make sure they're paying attention. I guess it works, I have awards and shit on that thing, which is pretty damn pathetic.

Really? I remember Atkins being HUGE when this aired.

I'm not gonna cry about my pa. Gonna build an airport, stick my name on it.

The heat was HOT! Can you believe that??

Anorexia Alert! When Lindsay takes piece of bread or something in the tag ending, Lucille slaps her hand. It's the little things…

Quick! Let's all get our kinks out before the teacher gets back!

@Leto — My guess is that it'll be like Gawker, where you can 'view featured discussions' or 'all discussions' or whatever. In other words, it sucks. But I'm pretty sure I can live with it as long as we don't get gold stars and shit. Also the new profiles seem cool! I can't wait to stalk the shit out of everyone!

oh my god, I can't stand the mobile site now. IT WAS SO PERFECT BEFORE. Now the comments don't work and the whole thing has random black bars like a videotaped sitcom that's trying to be in widescreen. FUGLY.

But can I still hug him?

Keira Knightley P&P is actually pretty good! The cinematography and music are pretty and it makes the story feel fresh.
