Manic Depressive Dream Girl

Uh…isn't that exactly what they're arguing?? Some Muppets are straight (Miss Piggy), some muppets are gay (Oscar?), some are pansexual (the Count) and these Muppets are asexual!

I don't know, I think Bert should MARRY HIS FUCKING ASS

I would assume that the cast would be paid more, seeing as they're all Really Famous now, but that would depend on when they signed the contracts. I haven't really been keeping up with it.

Uh, seriously, this is even an issue??


True, while Phineas and Ferb is often funny and enjoyable, these posts are about as funny and enjoyable as having the lines shouted out by children in the backseat when you're trying to drive them to soccer practice.

In other news, MST3K made a Prefab Sprout reference, and it made my day. (I haven't seen these yet.) Applause.

I seriously don't think I consumed any sort of entertainment media this weekend. Unless Google+ counts. I think I just mostly slept all weekend, and maybe I went to a bowling alley? I really don't know at this point.

I watched it, but it was off-and-on because I was in school and I didn't always understand what was happening in between belly laffs.

…does anyone realize that 'tolerable' and 'likable' are nowhere close to the same thing? I thought the whole joke of this thing was that none of these things are *really* tolerable, some just moreso than others. Oh who cares… *resumes eating olives from a jar at her desk*

Really? A Very Special Episode is probably the most well-thought out, actually perceptive thing on this site. I haven't been that interested in the last couple write-ups, but usually they're quality.

..do you mean Buster? I don't think Tobias has met Girl Michael yet.

"No matter what music we tried, it still wasn't very funny.

Besides, like Cyrus kind of said, there's SO MUCH stuff going on in every episode, funny-wise, that it kind of just becomes part of the grand comedic effect. I mean, hell, they made funny names funny. You, sir, are quite a mouthful!

"Although I did refer to it as 'our nausea,' but we were going at it pretty hot and heavy…"

More than anything else, Pier Pressure reminds me of a really good PG Wodehouse story — the manic plots that build into each other and converge at the end, the main character trying to do something good for somebody but getting messed up in the process, the questionable morality under the veneer of that

Tobias's earnestness/stupidity always makes me laugh on an awkward level because I know/am related to far too many people like that. They aren't closeted though.

I love how they have that same stupid sign and probably the same guy carrying it almost every time there's something gay going on.

He just wants to see Linuses…

You know, Lindsay isn't afraid to eat in front of me any more…