Manic Depressive Dream Girl

Buster really is great.

Or migraines.

You can control your bladder when you're dead!

At least he didn't put pills in her jellybeans so she'd remember her lines.

It sounds good, but looks like you're about to get all Latin in your hate.

For some reason or other, I've found "there were CUTOFFS up here?!" to be strangely applicable in real life, but that's probably just me…

Michael Bluth is glad you didn't call it The OC.

Cera's great on AD because the writing was also great. Awkward deadpanning can only go so far without it.

Re: "It walked on my pillow!"

My mother calls eclairs 'cornholes' for some reason. It cracks me up every time. Doesn't help that she says it like Lucille.

I don't know. I feel like all of those shows are really, really good at different and very specific details but that AD was pretty good at all of them most of the time, and that it put them all together in a way that was unprecedented then and even now is pretty much unique. So it's hard for me to compare them overall.

I always kind of wondered if they didn't come up with the name as a background thing and built the other gags/plots around it. But I guess you could say the same for almost everything else in this show, too.

You're in love with your own brother? The one in the army?

I'm serious, and I'm a professional.

I have no idea, Tina. I've downloaded drafts of a few of the scripts from the internet and they all have the narrator written in. It seems like it would make sense just to write it in as you go along, like writing for another character.

Um, not really, sarC. At least I don't think so. Like someone else mentioned, adding 'or candy!' for the benefit of the kiddies is, like, *so* Gob, omg.

As did mine, Super Karate Monkey Death Car. I had no idea what the hell was going on, but it sure was some funny shit.

God, Gob's dialogue is genius. Complete, utter, stupid genius.

I love the voiceover and couldn't imagine the show without it. That being said, I think it really went downhill in the third season. Too much winking at and talking with the audience and just too colloquial, for lack of a better word. But a lot of things got weird then too.

Okay, I am in no way trying to be insulting or anything by putting this in the 'race' thread, but do gay men just not like this show? I am friends with many a gay, and all of them have an offbeat sense of humor but none of them care for Arrested Development. Is this a Nathan Rabin gay panic joke thing or what?