Manic Depressive Dream Girl


Yay? You failed?

^ THIS. The Internet at Work is my new favorite poster.

Made. WTF autocorrect.

Except that it would hurt like a bitch and I've already pretty muhade myself immune to Vicodin…

They are in Missouri! The future is now and here! Who'da thunk it?

Oh come on. The only people who want a 'dislike' button are 16-year-old Hot Topic-shopping, P!nk-shipping girls who want to show all their friends that they 'dislike' Justin Bieber and are therefore so different and unique.

I want a tattoo on my ribs, but I'm poor and have no fat on my torso, so that's not happening any time soon…

And you're not even a hobo!

Yes, but I just figured out why Skins makes me upset and Gossip Girl, The OC, etc. doesn't. And I had to share. Because I registered, dammit, and I have to use this stupid account for something…

…and you imagined babies? That is sick and wrong.

How do you know? Were you strapped for cash and had to sell your boner to a pawnshop?

As a heterosexual female:

I hear Carlos Santa has a new line of elf shoes out…

Oh, come on. Fred Stone was falling off stages before any of these tads were even BORN.

Ha. Heh.

I think you need to get that checked out.

Oy. I think I'm slowly turning into Stacy512.

See, I like Gossip Girl and all that shit, but this just fucking angers me. Maybe I'd like the original better, I don't know. It's just…well, maybe I didn't have orgies or get laid as a teen, but I didn't live in Manhattan and drop 2 grand on shoes either.

Before I read the headline I thought they were changing it into an all-vampire version of Skins. You know, to appeal to the youngsters. And avoid any more child porn accusations at the same time!