Wher'd you get them stats? Wikkypedia?
Wher'd you get them stats? Wikkypedia?
I think 'Cocksocks' has a better ring to it…
He's not Jay Leno, either.
We can some good news when how much you fuck someone eat it.
Any time is happy time when Victor Garber pops up. And that he does, inevitably and indiscriminately.
At least they had the creativity to model it after a historical figure and not just another breed of rodent.
Well, that'll be mildly amusing for another couple hours…
I'm afraid you prematurely shot your load on what was supposed to be a dry run, if you will…
You wouldn't have to use a map if I were… your ass… ugh. That didn't make any sense.
90210 is the show that currently airs on the CW. The classic 90s teen drama, however, was called Beverly Hills 90210. This is stupid.
Damnit, I was hoping Obama was going to help me with level 13 of Angry Birds…
O'Neal should teach an evening continuing education class for adults on "Using Photoshop Intentionally Poorly For Intentionally Hilarious Results."
It'll be a long time before Sgt. Wendell Baker calls someone 'Private Homo' again!
Words words words words words Barry words words words Obama words words words words words words iCarly words words words Movie words words words my niece words words words. The "Social Network" words.
And the good King Bastard has once again found me.
But…there's 8 of them quotation marks up there! Oh…sets of quotation marks.
Maybe he'll play an acoustic cover of his favorite 80s pop song to lighten the mood.
I have found that I can drink as much alcohol and caffeine I want and still not get a hangover.