Manic Depressive Dream Girl

Did you just discover quotation marks?

No, he's going to dress as a cat and do human things, possibly set to the soothing sounds of The Fray.

wtf is helthcare lol

"Capitalism: what separates the smart from the poor."

YES. But that's how the real life Edie Beale talked, too. That's what I thought at first, but thought it would be too obscure of a reference, considering 30 Rock isn't enormously popular with cat ladies and gay men Wait…

Better Off Ted did the office-sharing thing too. And, yes, better.

30 Rock has 'shippers? Wow.

The Scene Where Subtext Died.

Hell. Damn iPhone.

Yup, this show actively angers me: not because it's horrible (it may or may not be) but because it's less wish fulfillment and more regret/self-loathing/crying in a ball in the corner/frustration/wanting to punch every teenager I see squarely in the face because if I didn't get any when I was in high school, they sure

I think you just did, frink.

Go to Twitter! I post pictures!

Ack, I want to go to this. Have I lost my hipster cred?

Maybe the AVC is purposely doing this to people they think are dickish just to make them look even more so. COMMENTER WHACKERS!

Or are you Taylor Swift?! We demand answers.

You shit for an entire half-hour? Who are you, Lenny Kravitz?

You see, it's because I have breasts. Large ones.

He had to do it…
I don't think I can fit in an iPad. Sorry, guys.

Here I am.

Holy shit, tht Air Supply infomercial is one of my favorite things ever, if only because it looks like they live in a lake house together and are embarassed to let other people in. Throw in the lemonade, the magical disappearing guitar and the hilarious cheesiness of the music itself, and it's like a layer cake of