Manic Depressive Dream Girl

This is the most awesome thing I've seen in a while. Seriously. The AV Club reviewing infomercials? It made my day.

KB, take your marital troubles somewhere else. Nobody cares.

I've seen those "As Seen On TV" shop things too. Mostly in creepy old half-deserted malls where the shoppers look like members of an infomercial audience themselves.

Independent Lens, that is. Independent Pens is much more deserving. An underlooked gem.

If your PBS station is like my PBS station, they'll be re-airing the shit out of this in a week or so. But they are airing it Thursday at 2 am, so they're probably nothing alike.

Chudley, I still don't understand why a random episode of Independent Pens gets a write-up. I'm not complaining, just confused…most were already released as films, so they would already be reviewed as such. Granted, the review does discuss the edited-for-PBS version vs. the theatrical original a little, but the whole

Not that anyone cares, but here is a link to my Twitter feed: http://bit.ly/hhGcko
I don't tweet as much as I should/used to.

Quote Party!
"Woud you talk to a sunset? Or a rainbow?"
"If I wanted to get it on with refracted light I would."

She wrote a book about her eating disorders, so she has that going for her. Real downer, though.

Oops. Wrong thread.

I was in college and I really don't remember any of these songs. Like, I'm sure I've heard them. I've had to. I just can't rack my brain hard enough to connect the titles with the proper form of "music."

Hey, don't be talkin' shit about Mark Mothersbaugh. Mark Mothersbaugh taught me to draw a cow!

I'm going to rent out this space in the thread to say that I thought the sentiment was well-earned and mostly worked, the character development was a little random but well-excecuted, and funny was indeed funny (although few and far between). But somehow, this episode just bored me a little. I don't know why. Maybe

Someone did not watch the episode, or at least pay attention to it. Troy's
birthday isn't actually until Dec 4.

Danny Pudi gives the gays wood, FWIW. I have no idea why I know this.

Not to 'ship too hard or anything, but the Troy/Annie (Trannie?) stuff was adorable. Although I'd rather have Troy banging me, if he's going to be banging young overachievers in cardigans.

My money's on the thief being the love interest. She's a bad girl but she's working for the good guys! Is she bad, or is she good? The sexual tension, I am drowning in it!

I can't decide whether you have the best taste in television or the worst taste in television. Kudos?

Chord, chord, chord, chord, chord, chord, other chord.

One of the many, many awesome things about AD was that, even though it never attempted to be sentimental, you often ended up empathizing with some of the characters. Or maybe that was just me.