Manic Depressive Dream Girl

I'm part Russian, and my whole life is devoted to that.

That would be an awesome Project Runway challenge. Only they'd have to fit giant Nordic types, because midgets are too close to an Asian stereotype.

She was boning some guy at E! who gave her the show, I think.

Eh, I'm indifferent. Licoln's Revenge is pretty close to how I feel.

"Eternal Little Miss Sunshine Cleaning of the Spotless Mind" is an awesome username. Register that shit. It's like a Wheel of Fortune Before and After clusterfuck of awesomeness.

"I don't remember any of these songs!" thread. Granted, I was in high school at the time (?) and all of my friends were either theater geeks or skater punks, so I don't really remember what was going on outside of Wicked and Green Day.

But will we see, say, a Self-Pleasuring Grizzly? These are the real questions that need to be answered.

I've been obsessively on this site the past three years, and I'm still not entirely sure what a Juggalo is. Nor do I really care to know.

Keytar? Fuck yeah, I'm in.

Not a firstie attempt, you stupid hobos.
I haven't actually watched this show in fucking ages, but I tuned in to the first ten minutes or so tonight (mostly just to see if Amelie had made the credits) and, well, I chuckled a little. Which is a lot more than I've chuckled at this show in years. And I was glad to see

The subject line is from the voiceover leading into the tag ending. So at least part of it's a joke.

I know it's set in Colorado, but I tell myself that it's actually set in California. I like it better that way.

Do you think she'll take chicks? I don't have any friends.

Save that for a decade or so when it's time for "MAGIC KINGDOM: THE GRITTY REBOOT!"

… says someone whose user name is "Balls."

#hashtagsdontworkontheavclub #thisisntgawker #nortwitter

Arundel, I think HBO aired her stand-up special last year? I think? I'm not sure.

Hey, Be Kind Rewind was a Secret Success. And Youth In Revolt was adequately enjoyable for what it was. Still, none of them deserve an Oscar.

As the mother of someone on these very boards once said:
"But they're different crabs every time!"