Manic Depressive Dream Girl

That last verse of Needle in the Hay perfectly captures the essence of despair. :'(.

I too think the comparisons to Parks and Rec are apt, but more because they're both shows that totally look and feel like other, highly-respected shows, and for that reason I will be unable to watch them until they actually get really good. I just find it jarring and off-putting when a show so blatantly has the same

I wish I were famous so people on the Internet would talk about my breasts.

Oh come on. It's Jason Schwartzman in front of a chalkboard. Half the people who saw this here thought the exact same thing.

That picture
is he solving the hardest geometry problem in the world?

Wow. Thanks a lot, says this bipolar sadsack. [looks for rope]


Oh yes, they do love their .gifs over there. Wimmin be .giffin' and all that. Reason #4 of at least 63 not to ever go there.

Also… restaurants have Mad Men nights? Like sports bars with TVs, but with Mad Men? Do they let you smoke? Can people watch Mad Men while they eat? This is a thing? That happens?

So you ARE the Zulkey on Jezebel! I shoulda known…only remotely witty or even tolerable commenter on the damn site.

YES. Awesome.

Unless I'm thinking of the wrong character. Damn gin.

No way Sheldon's an original comic creation or whatever (I'm too lazy to scroll up). Fuck that shit. I've seen the show several times and he's basically just Niles from Frasier or Tony Randall's character on the Odd Couple, just nerdy and awkward instead of gayish.

You mean the abandoned Blockbuster where you're currently a squatter, King B? If so, no thank you.

The guy in all the promos making wacky faces/
The guy on the far right looks like Brown Jim (as in Halpert).

On behalf of Kansas City…
I would like to apologize for being even vaguely involved in this shitmess.

Future "A Very Special Episode." I'm callin' it right now.

Yup, more or less my idea — that they'd open the show with the curtains and just rework the Rushmore opening…

Someone else remembers Xuxa??!

Yeah, ours is right next to a Papa John's, still alive and kicking, fucking packed on nondescript Saturday nights and has a Now Hiring sign in the window. I went in there once lately, there was a lot of creepy shit like weirdass movie candy and posters in the middle. And the floor was all kinds of questionably stained.