Manic Depressive Dream Girl

Profound and accurate assertions, Mr. Jim. I agree.

Your argument does not hold in light of strong evidence to the contrary.

The secret is The Event.

Yes, it is based on a play. A pretty good play, from what I remember of it.

Leighton Meester
Anyone else watch Gossip Girl? No? Well I do, 'cause I'm a female and wimmin be watchin' their soaps. Thing is … Leighton Meester's actually a pretty good actress. That, or everyone else on that show is such a meaningless void of "talent."

Throw Drew Barrymore in there, Leighton looks like her too.

Can we please, please, please stop calling Gaga a tranny? It's really not funny. It's like lowest common denominator Chelsea Handler, Dane Cook, "Funny Guest Host" On The View type humor. It's almost worse than firsties. At least some firsties attempt to put some thought into it sometime. Christ.

Damn you, AV Club.
I had completely forgotten this "Movie" was happening until now.

Sorry, I'd rather hear Georgey's opinion on the movie…

Well, for what it's worth, I'm drunk. Also I almost posted "I'm a racing car shooting from the skyy…" so, yeah. Whatever that means.

Glasses - check
Big Boobs - check
Red hair - check
Big Boobs - check
Fat chicks - nope
Big Boobs - check
Fedoras (no idea why) - sometimes
Big Boobs - check
Big, 80's metal hair - sometimes
Big Boobs - check

I'm a shooting star racing through the sky like Lady Godiva!

It's finally happened.

I must be drunk already. Almost every single comment today is Busting my Gut.

Dr Reasonable, are you a gimmick? Or are you actually this reasonable in real life?

Damn typing. Comments, not commets.

I think the staff has often remarked page views, not commets, are what counts.

^^ Starring Bethenny Frankel

^^ a reality show based on Great Expectations

Five-Ho, yes. She was actually Ted Baxter's agent.