Manic Depressive Dream Girl

Fail, bitch. May you be forced to watch everything Darren Star has ever produced, and be bitched out by a good Christian.

So then…
How does this relate to us as commenters on the AV Club?

Everybody say "midget!"

Frank, I for one think the show remained … (takes off sunglasses) … "Aaaaaay!"-OK.

There is an episode of Mary Tyler Moore where an old, fat, stubby woman walks into the newsroom and introduces herself as Bella Swan.

It was a play in the 50s as well. Just trying to avoid the anachronism police.


Queer Eye for the Straight Ice Road Trucker?
The Deadliest Rock of Love?
Kathy Griffin: My Life on the Kardashians?
I Didn't Know I was Pregnant with Toddlers and Tiaras?

Trading Faces.

You obviously fail at life.

Inaccurate. Nabin's not an idiot. He knows nobody around here likes Michael "Prancing" Cera. He's waiting for David Cross to be in a movie so he can discuss their shared sex appeal.

A) I'm a (slightly) nerdy girl. I like (slightly) nerdy guys.
B) Finally!!!!!! — first, go back to Jezebel. Then go watch that Lifetime movie with Janeane Garofalo where she's all sarcastic bitchypants yet lands a hot musician dude. I'll bring over some vodka.

I know I'm probably the only one, but I liked Great Job, Internet! It was brief, it was infrequent, and I usually hadn't seen the content before (I'm too lazy to buzzbox or rss feed or follow more than like 3 websites + Twitter). Plus, it had the seal of approval of the AV Club, so it had to be cool, right?
That being

There's gin on the Internet now?
I have an e-mail, do you think the Internet could email some to me? I'm serious, I'm almost out.

The world of tomorrow is much cruder than the world of today…

And now "my gap feels weird" is my new go-to phrase. Especially for avoiding sex with drunken douchebags.

He's hot.
That is all.

Seriously? That sounds secretly awesome. I'd buy the shit out of that album (if it's under like $10).

"artists who start seeming really original and different, but over time don't really evolve much"—

No they weren't. One was me, one was someone else. Glad to see the bullshit Hurley pull quote made it, though.