Manic Depressive Dream Girl

ZMF sued for using all caps.

Two words: BUS STOP.

Oh, Sister of the Bride… That shit hit me like a mofo when I was all 12 and ready to grow up and shit. I'd all but forgotten about it.

Yeah, I remember them as being awesome but I can't exactly put my finger on why. I remember even being able to enjoy them in high school when the little sis was reading them. From what I remember, they kind of had that Roald Dahl sense of whimsy and humor to them as well as that same childlike sense of awareness and

Guess who?
Filming involving spoons, tuxedos and cancer ahead. Do not be alarmed by the man having sex.

From a graphic design perspective…
…that movie poster is fucking gorgeous. It's just all kinds of good: the typography, the composition, the color scheme…

Yeah, nobody's reading this thread any more… After actually watching the trailer I now feel like an idiot; Galifianakis is playing a dad, not a kid. And Roberts is acting slightly Bamfordish. Hmm…

That should read "who is always annoying, but almost never great." It is a testament to this movie's apparent awesomeness that I will see it despite the fact that it stars both him as well as That Undersized Possible Lesbian Who Pops Up Unnecessarily In Cisco Commercials.

Perhapd we should pass…
Armond White didn't like it.

Emma Roberts still looks slightly young to play a high school-aged girl. And Zach G. looks at least slightly too old. Almost dad-like. Almost.

I would love to see Maria Bamford in this. It would be too perfect.

In completely unrelated news…
Betty White's going to guest star on Community next year. Gah.

One one hand, the title is a fucking sentence.
On the other much larger and winning hand, this looks way too
relatable to pass up. And I like Zachy G.

There's just something about this movie…
I feel obligated to comment.

You obviously do not appreciate the subtle cleverness and wit, nay, the comedic brilliance that is an old lady making sexual innuendoes.

…Aren't we all just being ironic?

Melon-headed hottie say what?!?

It was supposed to be Orpah, from the bible, but was misspelled on the birth certificate. So, no, not a "black culture" thing. Unless you think illiteracy and dyslexia are part of black culture.

Or they could just add The Saw into existing movies…

Amelie may not save the Office, but she may move it from Mildly Irritating to Tolerable.