
Stanislaw Lem
My favorite stories of his were the Tales of Pirx the Pilot. He nailed the world weary dirty workaday hassle of space travel that Firefly has, but still grounded in a certain "gee-whiz spacetravel!" spirit. The stories are funny too. They have a little bit of a Horatio Hornblower vibe in serial form,

BBC's 1995 miniseries was brilliant. But this was not a firstie, or at least a terribly failed one. P&P was published second, after the Emma Thompson one, and Northanger Abbey was written first.

The only copy of the book I had at the time was an audiobook, and they don't sell the book in the gift shop, which is a travesty, but I figured out where the Bishop's bird stump would have stood, and gushed like a huge dork to the friend who came with me. Poor fool she.

To Say Nothing of the Dog, Connie Willis
Going around England two summers ago, I made sure to stop at Coventry Cathedral. It was bombed in WWII, and its fictional rebuilding is the bane of existence for the Oxford's history time travelling department in 2058. It turned out to be a beautiful place, and the new

tv club side bar missing
Somebody else had kinda mentioned this, but their fix didn't work for me. Instead of the list of shows with all the little avatars linking me to the past reviews, all I have now is the regular quickie content boxes. How am I to read the top chef reviews of the past shows without the little

Cartoon History of the Universe
@ Donna, You really need to read Larry Gonick's stuff if you like comics that are nonfiction, especially the ongoing Cartoon History of the Universe. Great inoformative, lively series. He does science too. (and sex)

I too have only started watching these because of your writeups (thanks!), and I would be interested in your opinions on the new movie, especially as somebody so currently immersed in TOS.

Was the waiter for the Bruschett' scene